22fda1de22 Origin and meaning of dumbfounded: past-participle adjective from dumbfound. ... See more.. dumbfounded meaning, definition, what is dumbfounded: extremely surprised: Learn more.. The latest Tweets from dumbfounded (@DumbfoundedRS). General of @solace_cc @shawnbay_ Miracle. Canada.. Definition of Dumbfounded. astonished and speechless. Examples of Dumbfounded in a sentence. When my intelligent daughter announced she was going to .... Me:The things you say are dumbfounded. Friend: I'm not dumb! Me: Well I wasn't saying you were, I was saying the things you said are showing that you are .... Hansard archive. Later that night, she tells her dumbfounded husband that she wants a divorce. They were absolutely dumbfounded at the doffing of the hats, but they loved the rest of the ceremony.. Definition of dumbfounded adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, .... Adjective: dumbfounded 'dúm,fawn-did or dúm'fawn-did [N. Amer], ... "a circle of policemen stood dumbfounded by her denial of having seen the accident";. Synonyms of dumbfounded - astonished, astounded, amazed, staggered, surprised.. Dumbfounded definition: If you are dumbfounded , you are extremely surprised by something. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.. English[edit]. Alternative forms[edit]. dumfounded. Adjective[edit]. dumbfounded (comparative more dumbfounded, superlative most dumbfounded). shocked and .... Define dumbfounded (adjective) and get synonyms. What is dumbfounded (adjective)? dumbfounded (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by .... dumbfounded - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.. 26 Aug 2018 ... to confound (see confound sense 5) briefly and usually with astonishment were dumbfounded at what they saw. Other Words from dumbfound .... Dumbfounded was a colorless word to describe her state of mind. Her Father's Daughter.. traducción dumbfounded en espanol, diccionario Ingles - Espanol, definición, consulte también 'dumbfound',dumbo',dumb',dumbness'. 20 Nov 2017dumbfounded. Videos. 10 · Clips · Collections · Events · Followers. 563 · Following. 139 .... Define dumbfounded. dumbfounded synonyms, dumbfounded pronunciation, dumbfounded translation, English dictionary definition of dumbfounded. also .... dumbfounded. When you're dumbfounded, you're amazed. Being dumbfounded is an extreme form of being surprised or caught off guard. Being dumbfounded is not something that happens every day: this is a word that means something similar to astonished and gobsmacked. Only things that are extraordinary can dumbfound you.. The audience was dumbfounded not knowing if what was happening on stage was supposed to be part of the performance.El público estaba boquiabierto sin ...
Updated: Mar 19, 2020